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Showing posts with the label Life

Some Days Being Single Sucks.

Photo: I came across this beautiful article today. I am writing it down here so that some day I will read it again and again and again. Original post here . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There I said it. I’m not looking for pity or reassurance that someone will come along. I’m not looking for the sympathy. I’m just stating a fact. Most days I am quite fine with it. But we all have days where life is just not quite what you thought it would be or should be. As humans, we long for connection. We were not meant to go it alone. We need that feeling of belonging. We all have connections with others; our family, our kids or our friends. But that connection with someone special is just different. I have lots of people in my life that love me. I am, indeed, a very lucky person. But some days—sigh—well some days I long for more. Some days, paying the bills on our own sucks . Some days anothe

14 Stages Of Love According To The Arabic Language Based on this post, there are 14 stages/degrees of love in the Arabic language. 1. Al-Hawa (Attraction) Love begins with attraction and lust, which is described in Arabic as "al-hawa". This is when emotions are running high, but they're still indefinite... kinda like when you're swooning over a crush.  2. Al-Sabwa (Amusement) "Al-sabwa" is derived from the Arabic word الصبا (al-siba), which means boyhood. This phase depicts the sweet spot before things get real, when two people are enjoying each other's company without putting a label on the relationship. The "flirtationship" hasn't evolved into a legit relationship yet, but it might. 3. Al-Shaghaf (Passion) This is when feelings of actual love begin to surface and people are basically love-struck. The Arabic word "al-shaghaf" refers to الشغافة (al-shaghafa), which is the outer layer of the

Maturity? What does it really mean - 'to be/act matured/adult'?

  This blog is based on my understanding after reading the book "Everything Is Fucked - A Book About Hope" by Mark Manson .


Crying is no sign of weakness; quite the opposite.  Sometimes you have a shallow understanding of emotions, and you set up too much of a barrier  that makes you cold. A good exercise for today would be to let go of all those emotional devices that stop you from fully experiencing your feelings.  And that's what life is about, Geminis, emotions. Life needs to be lived radically. Experience naturally the situations that bring you to breaking point, whether they're sad or happy.  Crying will make you empty your insides so that you can fill the void with love and positive feelings.  Sometimes, when we want a rebirth, we need to let some feelings wither and die. via  MagicHoroscope

10 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life

via Power of Positivity 10 Laws Of Karma That Will Change Your Life Modern-day life brings us many factors that weigh us down mentally, physically, and spiritually. If these negative aspects of life are allowed to take over and become all-consuming, we can become physically ill or even say or do things to others that could, in turn, be harmful to them thus spreading the poison of negativity. Therefore, it is imperative that we all learn to take care of our own mind, body, and soul. One way we can work to lift the burden of negativity from our shoulders is to  be aware of how actions bring consequences . More specifically, we can practice the laws of karma and let that guide us to a life of peace. Karma is basically an understanding that good becomes good and bad becomes bad, and life is a constant exchange of cause and effect. As we practice the law of karma, we can find inner peace which will give us better mental clarity, better physical health, and also be extended outw

And, I got INKED - Again!

I knew this was coming. I knew I would get another tattoo when I got inked last time  (more than 2 years ago) - not exactly what and when. But I enjoyed the process and would want another one. Remember, last time, I just got onto this mood and set off on my first tattoo journey. The similar happened this time as well. Going through a lot of ups and down, a lot to hold onto this poor small brain - I went to this phase, again. I had been thinking of getting a second tattoo. I had been browsing the internet for inspirations, for something that would match up to the values I wanted to write onto my body, saving a lot of tattoo pictures and designs. Then, one Saturday, free of the usual work and sad thoughts, I opened up the Inkscape  on my laptop and started on my design. Over the 2 years, I was almost sure of what to get finally. I was sure I wanted to get a minimalist, line tattoo, probably a geometric one -  not just sure of how to integrate them into the design. I made a few


गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुर्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥१॥ Our creation is that guru ( Brahma -the force of creation); the duration of our lives is that guru ( Vishnu -the force of preservation); our trials, tribulations, illnesses, calamities and the death of the body is that guru ( devo Maheshwara -the force of destruction or transformation). There is a guru nearby ( Guru Sakshat ) and a guru that is beyond the beyond ( param Brahma ). I make my offering ( tasmai ) to the beautiful ( shri ) remover of my darkness, my ignorance; ( Guru ) it is to you I bow and lay down my life ( namah ). Guru is the remover of darkness: Gu means darkness, and Ru means remover. Darkness refers to what obscures the light of awareness. Guru is the enlightenment principal that aids one in the realization of the true Self, the whole Self, the holy Self. The guru removes   avidya , or ignorance, which is a case of mistaken identity. It is when you think you a


Mo Gawdat, Executive at Google shares some of his thoughts on #Happiness. Truly, happiness is not about what the world gives, happiness is about 'what you think' the world gives you. Happiness is equal to or greater than the difference between the way you see the events of your life and your expectations of how life should behave. We have mixed two things, HAPPINESS AND FUN. Fun is the modern world's replacement of happiness. When I am unable to reach that state of happiness, what I do is I go out on a weekend and party and BOOM BOOM! and my brain STOPS thinking. As long as it stops thinking, I think I feel happy. Not because I am actually in that peaceful state of happiness but because I suspended my unhappy thoughts.

26 Mind-Blowing Psychology Facts

Bright Side  has compiled a list of the most surprising psychology facts that can help you better understand yourself and others. Any friendship that was born in the period between 16 and 28 years of age is more likely to be robust and long lasting. Women generally prefer men with deep husky voices because they seem more confident and not aggressive. The people who give the best advice are usually the ones with the most problems. The smarter the person is, the faster he thinks, and the sloppier his handwriting is. Our emotions don’t affect the way we communicate. In fact, the very opposite is true: the way we communicate has an influence on our mood. The way a person treats restaurant staff reveals a lot about their character. People who have a strong sense of guilt are better at understanding other people’s thoughts and feelings. Men are not funnier than women: they just make more jokes, not caring whether other people like their humor or not. Shy people talk little


उदेश्य के लिनु त उडी छुनु चन्द्र एक रे चन्द्र त छोउला तर पहिले उड्न जान्नु पर्छ रे बाबु आज पनि ढिला आइस, कहिले काँही त चाडै आउने  गर नानी बिहे गर्नु पर्ने, केटा हेर्न आउँदा कुर्ता लाउने गर | देशमा के छ त पढीवरी विदेश जा बरु तँ के गरिरा'छस, हेर कँहा पुगी सके तेरा साथिहरु सुन्दा सुन्दै मेरो चन्द्र नै हराउन थाल्यो उड्ने पंख काटिएर हुल पछी दौडिने सोच आउन थाल्यो जित्नु छ सबैलाई भन्दै आफूसंगै हार्न थाले समाजको लागि पो हो, आफ्नो खुसि एक एक गरि मार्न थाले प्रश्न गर्न थाले फेरी यहाँ कसको लागि जिउदैछु कसलाई खुसि पार्न आफ्नै खुसिको रगत पिउदैछु आमा खुसि हुन्नन् मेरी, डलर हातमा परेर म खुसि हुन सक्दिन, आफ्नै नजरबाट झरेर बरु डटछु लागेर, कुर्छु बरु, मेरा पंख आउँछन् फेरी खुसि हुन सिक्छु, केहि गर्न जान्छु, सपनाले मेरा जोशहरु पलाउछन फेरी एक्लै छुइन म, वरीपरी हेर्छु, साना साना पंख देख्छु बिर्सेका सबै सपना जोड्छु, अनि ठुलो सपना बनाइ लेख्छु अब चन्द्र हैन उदेश्य, ताराको लिएको छु उड्ने कोशिस गर्दै अरुलाई पंख ठुलो बनाउने जिम्मा दिएको छु उड्नु छ माथि सबै मिलि, ताराहरु टिप्न

Turning 27

Last year's birthday was special, for so many reasons. This year, I had a different one again. If you know me, or if you have read my Turning 26 blog, you know it well that I don't believe in "Hey, it is my birthday. Let's go celebrate". Yesterday, June 7 was my birthday. Yes, you missed it. Or let's say, you didn't remember it. No hard feelings about that. I don't expect anyone to remember the date. Neither do I remember anyone's birthday. I was lying when I said, I wasn't expecting. I was, from few the ones who I felt dear and near. However, they didn't remember. They don't realize at this point as well. Haha! I hope this blog surprises them well as much as I was surprised that they didn't even send me a birthday wish text. The best part of this year's birthday was, wishes from the students that I taught during my Teach for Nepal fellowship and a cake brought by my Mom. My first cake was last year, when my dear

आऔं , बिहे हेरौं

एकातिर छोरीको बिहे गरि सामाजिक कार्य पूरा गर्न पाएको खुसीले ढुक्क भएको मन | तर अर्कोतिर संधैका लागि अरु कसैलाई आफ्नो छोरी जिम्मा लगाएर पठाउदाको पिडा | खुसि र पिडाबिचको दोसाँधमा रुमल्लिएका बाबु-आमा | छोरी र बाबु आमा, अनि केहि नजिकका आफन्त छन् जगियामा | अरु केहि खानकै धुनमा छन | साना भुराहरु उफ्रिदैमा ठिक्क छन | केहि महिलाको जमात दुलहीको गहना, दुलाहाको औंठी इत्यादीको बारेमा कुरा काट्दै छन वा भनौ ‘समिक्षा’ गर्दै छन | दुलहीका साथीहरु एक कुनामा बसेर दुल्हा कति काले, कति फुच्चे भन्दै छन | “अलि अग्लो केटा पाएनन् क्या हो?”, एकले भनि | एउटा कुनामा म छु | कागहरुको बिचमा बकुल्ला | न मलाई जगियातिर ध्यान छ, न त्यो परको रक्सिको बारमा रुची | खान जाउँ भने भोक लागेको पनि छैन | बेलाबेलामा फोन निकाल्छु, यसो फेसबुक र इन्सटाग्राम चलाउछु | फेरी अल्छी लाग्छ | सबैतिर हेर्न थाल्छु, सबैलाई आलोपालो हेर्न थाल्छु | मनमनै कुराहरु खेलाउन थाल्छु | हैट ! कति सार्हो अनावश्यक खर्च गर्न सक्या होलान ! आमाबाबुको हातमा पाँचैवटा औंठी छन् क्यारे | दुलहीले पनि महँगो खालको सारी लगाएकी छे | बनारसबाट मगाएर भारतकै प्र


On my way,  Back to you.  Excited me,  I'm passing through.  The setting sun reminds me Of you. Desires to meet you, Talk to you. One "NO" And all of them just flew. Inside me, they die. Yes, they do.

Dear Future Wife - Part 3

Dear Future Wife, Today I am getting married - To You . I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe 3 years back, we were two friends who were always quarreling, picking names on each other, making fun of each other - you being the more irritating one, of course. And today, these two friends are getting married, because we felt we need each other for the rest of our lives. We are both dressed up fancy. You know how much I hate these marital things - getting dressed up, looking fancy, putting make ups on, doing this and that. But, doing THESE little marital things mean more to you and I am doing this for you. If I have to do things I usually won't do FOR you, I will not think twice. I am not doing this BECAUSE of you, but FOR you. You look so pretty with the make up on. Yes ,you look like a 'Badarni' without the make up. Ass! haha. Your eyes, your lips, the gradient on your cheek, your hairdo, those little glittery stars on your hair. Everything is pe

Dear Sister

Dear sister Anita, We have never been the best of friends like other brother-sister duo. We could never be best friends like other siblings are. We couldn't even be proper siblings who love each other. I know you wanted to be the 'cute' brother-sister duo like those showing off in their social media. But I never liked taking selfies. I never liked expressing. May be, I didn't know how to show and express my love. I don't remember times when I might have said "I love you" to you.  I am so sorry sister. I am sorry that in 26 years of your lifetime, you didn't get the brotherly love that you deserved. I am sorry that I couldn't be the loving brother that you always wanted.  I am sorry for the times when your friends might have said, "तेरो दाइ त कस्तो हो, तलाई माया नै गर्दैन क्या हो?" I am sorry for the times when you have expected a lot from me, specially during your birthdays and Bhai-tika, but I didn't meet your e