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Dear Future Wife - Part 3

Dear Future Wife,
Today I am getting married - To You .
I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe 3 years back, we were two friends who were always quarreling, picking names on each other, making fun of each other - you being the more irritating one, of course. And today, these two friends are getting married, because we felt we need each other for the rest of our lives.

We are both dressed up fancy. You know how much I hate these marital things - getting dressed up, looking fancy, putting make ups on, doing this and that. But, doing THESE little marital things mean more to you and I am doing this for you. If I have to do things I usually won't do FOR you, I will not think twice. I am not doing this BECAUSE of you, but FOR you.

You look so pretty with the make up on. Yes ,you look like a 'Badarni' without the make up. Ass! haha. Your eyes, your lips, the gradient on your cheek, your hairdo, those little glittery stars on your hair. Everything is perfect.

And then we are asked to hold our hands for some ritual. I hold your hands. I look you in your eyes. You look so happy. My eyes get wet. I can't believe this is really happening. This is no less than a fairy tale to me. I might not be the prince of the tale, but you certainly are my princess. The feeling, the thought that I will have you, always, for the rest of my life, with me, by my side bring so much of happiness in me - that I can't control my tears.

People are looking. They might be thinking - the groom is such a cry baby. People judge and I didn't want to have people around for the very same reason. But you don't look at me as others do. You see through me. You can clearly feel the happiness in me, the emotions running through me - the reason behind the tears. You look at me and smile. You come closer and give me a hug. Boy, the emotions just escalated. My heart gets heavy with happiness. I want to cry more. I want to shout out loud. I want to steal you out of the ritual spot and take you somewhere - just you and me. I want to hug you and tell you how happy I am. I want to kiss you and thank you for letting me into your life.

You are my best friend. Life till now has been the best with you, because of you. I want the rest of my life to be even better - selfish me. And that's why I married you, my best friend. In you, I have found the love of my life, my closest, truest friend. And I know, tonight we will sit close to each other and crack jokes about us getting married. We will laugh about the fact that we are SERIOUSLY so idiotic to marry idiots such as ourselves, And that's what I love about us.

I don't want my life to be any new after marrying you. I don't want anything between us to change. I just want it to get better. I don't want to lose my best friend. I have just brought my closest friend even closer. And now I will get to have coffee with my best friend, every single morning. I will get to have a sleep over with my best friend, every single night.


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