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5 reasons to advertise your products on Facebook

Advertisement can be through different media, verbal like radio ads, visual like paper, TV ads and print. Probably, the most used means of advertisement in Nepal in the past decade was TV. Why? The reason is quite simple, the melo-dramatic   'Saas-Bahhu'   serials.  But the scene isn’t the same, at least in so-called metro cities of Nepal like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Dharan, Chitwan. People aren’t into melo-dramas as they used to be. So, there is a rise of a new media for advertisement in Nepal as well – Facebook. Looking at the market of Nepal, I have listed down these 5 reasons of why should you advertise your products on Facebook. 1.      Huge user base (around the world) (Data source: “Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 4th quarter 2016 (in millions),” op cit.) Look at that data. See the number? Yes, that is the total number of Facebook users around the world. Now, think how many users can you reach via Facebook versus the number

आऔं , बिहे हेरौं

एकातिर छोरीको बिहे गरि सामाजिक कार्य पूरा गर्न पाएको खुसीले ढुक्क भएको मन | तर अर्कोतिर संधैका लागि अरु कसैलाई आफ्नो छोरी जिम्मा लगाएर पठाउदाको पिडा | खुसि र पिडाबिचको दोसाँधमा रुमल्लिएका बाबु-आमा | छोरी र बाबु आमा, अनि केहि नजिकका आफन्त छन् जगियामा | अरु केहि खानकै धुनमा छन | साना भुराहरु उफ्रिदैमा ठिक्क छन | केहि महिलाको जमात दुलहीको गहना, दुलाहाको औंठी इत्यादीको बारेमा कुरा काट्दै छन वा भनौ ‘समिक्षा’ गर्दै छन | दुलहीका साथीहरु एक कुनामा बसेर दुल्हा कति काले, कति फुच्चे भन्दै छन | “अलि अग्लो केटा पाएनन् क्या हो?”, एकले भनि | एउटा कुनामा म छु | कागहरुको बिचमा बकुल्ला | न मलाई जगियातिर ध्यान छ, न त्यो परको रक्सिको बारमा रुची | खान जाउँ भने भोक लागेको पनि छैन | बेलाबेलामा फोन निकाल्छु, यसो फेसबुक र इन्सटाग्राम चलाउछु | फेरी अल्छी लाग्छ | सबैतिर हेर्न थाल्छु, सबैलाई आलोपालो हेर्न थाल्छु | मनमनै कुराहरु खेलाउन थाल्छु | हैट ! कति सार्हो अनावश्यक खर्च गर्न सक्या होलान ! आमाबाबुको हातमा पाँचैवटा औंठी छन् क्यारे | दुलहीले पनि महँगो खालको सारी लगाएकी छे | बनारसबाट मगाएर भारतकै प्र

Saved by an inch, again

I watch the  "saved by luck", "close calls" kinda videos a lot. I don't watch it for fun. I watch them to learn from the mistakes that people do and be conscious about it. While I'm riding, I  tend to be very conscious around old people riding bikes and ladies in scooters (no offence! Feminazis,  keep your Defense to yourself. I'm not generalizing all the ladies here), because you can't predict their riding nature. I happened to have a "saved by luck" moment today. Some guy came straight and hit me hard from side,as I was crossing the intersection with about 10kmph. Contrary to the popular beliefs, the guy wasn't a 'cool dude on a pulsar'.  He was an old man riding a  Honda Shine. No injuries to me and my bike, I'm thankful and didn't feel necessary to make a fuss out of it. I never care to react if I'm OK. I will be thankful I'm OK and move on.  Despite the fact that it was his fault, speeding at approx 50km


On my way,  Back to you.  Excited me,  I'm passing through.  The setting sun reminds me Of you. Desires to meet you, Talk to you. One "NO" And all of them just flew. Inside me, they die. Yes, they do.

Dear Future Wife - Part 3

Dear Future Wife, Today I am getting married - To You . I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe 3 years back, we were two friends who were always quarreling, picking names on each other, making fun of each other - you being the more irritating one, of course. And today, these two friends are getting married, because we felt we need each other for the rest of our lives. We are both dressed up fancy. You know how much I hate these marital things - getting dressed up, looking fancy, putting make ups on, doing this and that. But, doing THESE little marital things mean more to you and I am doing this for you. If I have to do things I usually won't do FOR you, I will not think twice. I am not doing this BECAUSE of you, but FOR you. You look so pretty with the make up on. Yes ,you look like a 'Badarni' without the make up. Ass! haha. Your eyes, your lips, the gradient on your cheek, your hairdo, those little glittery stars on your hair. Everything is pe

मैले के सिके? मैले के प्रेरणा पाए? #OneDayInAClassRoom

On 23rd November, 20163 guests viz. Mr. Sher Bdr. Tamang (MP), Mr. Karmath Dangol (VP of Engineering at Cloudfactory) and Mr. Sujin Joshi (Freelance software developer) along with alum Eva Manandhar and Shina Shrestha visited Terse Secondary School, Sindhupalchok participating in the #OneDayInAClassRoom under Teach for Nepal 's initiative. The 3 guests took 3 of the classes, sharing their stories, inspiring kids. Here, I have put some of the thoughts from kids after the classes. I along with my co-fellows Astha and Aakriti took a written feedback from the students. मैले के सिके ? मैले के प्रेरणा पाए ? Karmath Dangol (VP Engineering, Cloudfactory) “ आफुले कुनै काम गर्दा त्यसमा आफुलाई इच्छा हुनुपर्छ, इच्छा भएपछी, गर्ने कुराको मौका भएपछी त्यसको जानकारी हुनुपर्छ | जानकारी नभए खोजेर लिने | अरुबाट सिक्नुपर्छ र अरुलाई पनि सिकाउनुपर्छ | मैले पनि उंहाले जस्तै आफुलाई लागेको बिषय पढेर, विदेश गएर कमाएर फेरी आफ्नै देश फर्केर आफ्नै देशमा केहि गरेर देशको बिकाश गर्ने प्रेरण