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5 reasons to advertise your products on Facebook

Advertisement can be through different media, verbal like radio ads, visual like paper, TV ads and print. Probably, the most used means of advertisement in Nepal in the past decade was TV. Why? The reason is quite simple, the melo-dramatic 'Saas-Bahhu' serials. 

But the scene isn’t the same, at least in so-called metro cities of Nepal like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Dharan, Chitwan. People aren’t into melo-dramas as they used to be. So, there is a rise of a new media for advertisement in Nepal as well – Facebook. Looking at the market of Nepal, I have listed down these 5 reasons of why should you advertise your products on Facebook.

1.     Huge user base (around the world)
(Data source: “Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 4th quarter 2016 (in millions),” op cit.)

Look at that data. See the number? Yes, that is the total number of Facebook users around the world. Now, think how many users can you reach via Facebook versus the number of users you could reach by other media.

Also think how easy is it to reach international market via Facebook .

Now coming to our Nepalese context, there are 75 lakh Facebook users. With proper Facebook marketing and paid service, you could reach so many users just with a single click; no hassle of printing papers and all.

2.     Mobile Audience

If the goal is to digitize marketing, why not advertise through company websites or similar? Why Facebook ?

49% of Nepalese population have access to the internet according to the data above, out of which, 62% access internet via mobile phones. This is a 26% rise. And with a 22% rise, the percentage of tablet users has reached 2%. While there has been a -27% fall in the percentage of laptop users. This clearly indicates the rise of mobile and tablet users rather than laptop and PC. It means, people using websites to browse through advertisements has decreased and will decrease in the coming years as well. People use mobile phones often not to browse websites or ads but to use Facebook. So, Facebook can be a good platform to make a massive reach.

3.     It’s F***ing cheap

4.     Easy and fast reach

People are on Facebook, almost all the time. Why? This is a new type of addiction, addicted to being social on the virtual platform, addicted to being accepted by huge virtual society.
It is easier to catch one minute of your potential customer (that he/she spends on Facebook) via Facebook than through other media.

5.     Re-marketing

One of the big advantages of using Facebook is the easiness to re-market your content. It is always there, somewhere. You can just hit that share button. The print media can be lost, or worn out. The TV Ads are very expensive. The ads on Facebook never run out of fuel. They are always there for the customer to explore, for you to re-advertise.


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