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बिगार्यो कि सपार्यो , लूटले ? #Loot #NepaliMovie #Nepal

बिगार्यो कि सपार्यो , लूटले ? लूट, कसलाई थाहा छैन होला र एसको बारेमा | कसैले एस्लाई एसको भल्गर संबाद को लागि सम्झिन्छन त कोइ सुष्मा कार्की को 'उध्रेको चोली ' को कारणले | नेपाली फिल्म इतिहासको कोसेढुंगाको रुपमा लिनेहरु कमै होलान  | तपाई के का लागि सम्झिनुहुन्छ  त? :) लूट, आयो एउटा छुट्टै कथा बस्तु लिएर, एउटा भिन्न धार  बोकेर, प्रस्तुति मा नयापन बोकेर | तर यो नयापन नया पुस्तालाई मात्र मनपर्यो सायद, टाउको मा Titanic    र Bob Marley  को रुमाल बाधेर ' उफ्रिने र उफार्ने ' फिल्म हेर्नेहरुलाई यो पचेकै थिएन | तोकेरै भन्नु पर्दा, यौ फिल्म केवल फिल्मको ज्ञान राख्ने , अलि पढ़ेगुनेकालागी मात्र राम्रो थियो | नेपाली फिल्मको आकाशमा एउटा नया आयाम थप्यो लूटले, एउटा छुट्टै धार दियो एसले | तर  लूटले फिल्मको कथा, बिषय बस्तु आदि इत्यादीमा ल्याउनु खोजेको पर्बर्तन कसैले देखेनन् | कुनै पनि कुरा मा भिन्न मान्छेले भिन्न कुरा 'perceive ' गर्छ | कुरा सहि हो, तेसरी नै लूटबाट थरि थरि कुराहरु लिए मानिसहरुले | लिनुपर्ने र सिक्नुपर्ने कुरा त अर्कै थियो , तर आफुलाई बुद्धिमान मान्ने

#Apabad-Nepali movie- review through my story

#Apabad-Nepali movie- review through my story June 19,2012 [I am neither a writer nor a critic, I just write when I feel to. So, sorry for the stupid lines or immature writings :D ] Had been hearing much about the movie ‘ Apabad ‘, but wasn’t sure if I would go to watch the movie as it didn’t interest me that deep. I was impressed with the movie poster though, which I am always interested in before the movie’s material. You don’t get to see much of nice posters in nepali movie , you know. So, today we had classes off, our two ‘khatra’ teachers were absent, one for his paper presentation in China, another for his interview in NTV on Natural Language Processing (NLP)’s status in Nepal. Such KHATRA teachers right, we are lucky to have them [  :p ] . Thus, some of us made plans to watch the movie and I agreed. The show was at 2: 30, but the irony here is that none was sure of the plan till 12:30, when Aaron called me and I asked him and Dawadi to come over and join us. I

LOOT [Nepali Movie] – Review

Jan 15, 2012 In the mid of all those ‘Normal Trend’ Nepali movies with stupid ‘flying’ action sequences, unnecessary and disgusting kissing scenes and ‘exposures’, released LOOT, on Jan 13,2012 with much expectations, not only in the mind and hearts of the CREW but also the new ‘Generation audience. loot [luːt] n : goods, money, etc., obtained illegally As the title suggest, the film revolves around the idea of a bank robbery. ‘Haku’, seen as the lead in the movie, plays the lead of the LOOT plan as well. A guy with and urge to earn money himself, finds 4 more such guys who would be interested and help him with the plan. ‘Nare’ , ‘Khatri’, ‘Gopal’ aka ‘Gofle’ and ‘Pandey’ are the supporting looters , Haku finds. Nothing to talk much about the story; it’s just a normal story you would expect it to be. These looters make a plan to rob the money. That’s all ‘in short’. What is to be noted and praised is that IT IS REALLY A GOOD FILM, and is REALLY a Nepali film that ea