Source: https://twitter.com/_amroali/status/1155794361474572288/photo/1 |
A friend shared
this Twitter thread which had 12 levels of friendship according to Arabic language. Not endorsing any particular religion. I thought this was pretty interesting to ponder upon. Maybe you can now grade your friendship level and tell, "Hey you are my Sameer, my 3rd level friend." :D
Here are the levels:
1. Zameel - someone you have a nodding acquaintance with
2. Jalees - someone you’re comfortable sitting with for a period of time
3. Sameer - you have good conversation with them
…this is where things get serious
4. Nadeem - a drinking companion (just tea) that you might call when you’re free
5. Sahib - someone who’s concerned for your wellbeing
… now we’re in the real ranks of friendship
6. Rafeeq - someone you can depend upon. You’d probably go on holiday with them
7. Sadeeq - a true friend, someone who doesn’t befriend you for an ulterior motive
8. Khaleel - an intimate friend, someone whose presence makes you happy
9. Anees - someone with whom you’re really comfortable and familiar
10. Najiyy - a confidant, someone you trust deeply
11. Safiyy - your best friend, someone you’ve chosen over other friends
12. Qareen - someone who’s inseparable from you. You know how they think (and vice versa)
This friendship pyramid might be interesting as well.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/learn_arabic/comments/cljbka/friendship_levels_in_arabic/
According to this article, these are the different types of frienship mentioned in Quran.
Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan discusses the different types of friends mentioned in the Qur’an.
- WALLI (The Protector, The Helper) – A friend who cares for us, when we are in trouble and he guides us. It also means a friend with whom one has great intimacy, with him or her, we feel warm & comfortable.
- SADDIQUE – A genuine friend, who is our friend for our sake, not to get any kind of benefit from us. The one who never gives up on us when we start making mistakes. He remains in touch with us even if we establish a distance with them because of their honesty. He is the one who is our Shafaee.
- SAHIB (The person sitting next to you) – It’s a casual acquaintance or someone who is looking out for you, Concerned about you and Tries to help you to the best of her ability.
- WALEJA – A friend who is a partner in your business. He is involved in every matter of your life. There is Extreme trust involved in this kind of friendship.
- BITA’ANA – A friend who keeps your secrets.
- QAREEN – A friend with whom you have a lot in common. Both always think alike.
- KHALEEL – he or she always thinks about you, even when you are not with him or her.
- RAFEEQ – A friend with whom you feel relaxed and get comfort in her company.
- KHAZOUL – a friend Who only acts like a friend. At convenient times remains with you, but when you are in trouble that kind of friend disappears. He is Deceitful like Shaytan.
- KHADAN – This kind of friendship is between girls and boys. It is strongly prohibited in Islam.
Ten Arabic words for ‘friend’ - in poetic form. (Source: https://twitter.com/wordsbytaher/status/1341785983847702528)
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