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Ways to Lose Belly Fat


  1. Monounsaturated fats (good fats) can help blast away belly fat because they increase fat-burning in the body. Foods rich in monounsaturated fats are olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds.
  2. Salmon is an anti-inflammatory food and is rich in monounsaturated fats. Salmon also contains protein, which increases your metabolic rate so that you burn more calories.
  3. Walnut oil can help reduce belly fat because it contains omega 3 fats which make you feel fuller earlier. Walnut oil can be found in many salad dressings, so check labels carefully.
  4. Incorporating beans in your diet can help you lose belly fat. Beans are loaded with soluble fiber which promotes good bacteria in the gut, and some experts say this can help lower inflammation linked to belly fat. Try adding one cup of beans to your diet three times a day for seven days and you're sure to see results.
  5. Eating chocolates made of 70 percent cocoa or more tend to flatten your belly because they contain flavonoids and monounsaturated fats, which prevent inflammation and burn fat. Make sure you eat chocolate in moderation, though — excess calories can add unwanted pounds.
  6. Experts disagree, but research suggests drinking one glass of red wine a night with dinner can help flatten your belly. That's because it contains resveratrol, which helps eliminate belly fat.
  7. Apple wedges with a little almond butter are a great snack to flatten your belly, as the almond butter contains monounsaturated fats.
  8. Apple wedges with a little almond butter are a great snack to flatten your belly, as the almond butter contains monounsaturated fats.There's no way to target specific areas of fat. Your body burns fat as a whole, not from a particular region. However, exercises like crunches are good for toning the underlying muscles and strengthening your core. You'll see the results once you've lost weight.
  9. To lose fat you need to burn more calories than you consume, putting your body in an energy deficit that forces it to use your excess fuel. Regardless of individual weight, in order to burn one pound of fat a week you need to burn 3,500 calories more than what you consume. That breaks down to a deficit of 500 calories per day.
  10. A rubber Velcro belt, available at many athletic stores, can be a belly-fat aid. Wear it taut over your shirt and every time you work out. You still have to do the work, but the belt will make you aware of when you let go of your stomach muscles.
  11. You can't spot-reduce fat, but burning more calories than you consume will help you lose fat all over. The American Heart Association recommends at least 20 minutes of intense cardio activity three days a week. Such activities include jogging, swimming, aerobics and dance.
  12. In order to get rid of belly fat you need to lose fat from your body as a whole. Pull-ups, push-ups and squats are all great exercises that target major muscle groups in the body that will help you lose weight.
  13. Cardiovascular exercises like walking, swimming, cycling, running and jumping rope will help burn calories and trim your whole body, therefore also slimming your stomach.
  14. If you are bloated and your stomach feels like it's about to pop, downing water may be the best quick fix. Good old H2O restores the sodium balance in the body and normalizes your digestive tract. Be sure to keep hydrated. Drink the daily recommendation of 8 (8-oz) glasses of water to rid the body of harmful toxins.
  15.   Interval training that involves sudden bursts of high-intensity movement alternated with lower intensity movement boosts both your aerobic and anaerobic systems to speed metabolism and burn belly fat.
  16. Stress causes increased levels of cortisol, which can increase belly fat. If you reduce stress in your life your cortisol levels will decrease and so will your midsection.
  17. When you get enough deep sleep your body burns the most calories. While sleeping doesn't target belly fat in particular, burning more calories slims your entire body which can in turn decrease your belly fat.
  18.  Laughing can help lose your body fat.
  19. If you avoid refined carbs, trans fats and simple sugars you are one step closer to a flat belly — and better health all around.


  1. This article is jam-packed with scientific and specific on the best way to lose stomach fat. Anyone who follows this advice will surely succeed in losing belly fat.


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