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Valentine's Facts!


  1. Studies show a 20-second hug raises oxytocin, the hormone that helps develop a sense of connection.
  2. Broken heart syndrome, also known as a faux heart attack, occurs when a flood of stress-related hormones temporarily stuns or even disables your heart. In extreme cases the condition can be fatal.
  3. Experts agree that having different approaches to spending money is one of the greatest relationship stressors and the cause of many fights and divorces. Come to an agreement on how you will spend money, and how you will talk about spending, that you both can live with.
  4. Experts say most couples have about 7 differences that they will never agree on. These are usually tough issues where someone doesn't get what they want, so it's important to find solutions.
  5. The human body is capable of making more than 700,000 unique movements and more than 10,000 facial configurations. But all humans make at least a few of the same faces when expressing basic emotions -- namely happiness, sadness, surprise, fear, anger and disgust.
  6. A non-genuine smile happens when the lips part and the corners of the mouth are stretched to the side. With a genuine smile, the corners of the mouth turn up and the skin around the eyes crinkle.
  7. Humans are not genetically predisposed to monogamy. One reason why humans may practice monogamy is because it takes so long for their young to mature, and having a stable couple to protect and nurture their children helps ensure survival.
  8. The key to healthy fighting is to stay on-topic. In the heat of the moment, you may feel tempted to throw out a whole list of your partner's past offenses. This will only cause the fight to escalate and make the original issue even harder to resolve.
  9. If you want your man to listen to you, you should speak into his right ear.
  10. The three types of communication styles are passive, aggressive and assertive communication.
  11. An assertive style, where you state your opinions and feelings openly and tactfully, works better than a passive or aggressive style. If you are always passive or aggressive, you may find that you get better results by learning how to become assertive instead.
  12. Studies have found that women who claimed to enjoy their sex lives live seven or eight years longer than those who didn't, and that men who had sex once per week were less likely to die in the next decade than those who didn't.
  13. One recent study found that couples living in a miserable marriage are 25 times more likely to suffer a major depression than those in a happy marriage.
  14. When in an argument with your spouse, be constructive, not whiny or defensive. Share what's on your mind by using specifics, not generalizations. Avoid words like "always" and "never." Approach discussions with a sense of compromise.


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