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Love facts #Love

Love facts

collected some amazing facts about love :)
  1.  family researcher recommends 12 hugs a day to stay healthy. : 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 hugs for maintenance and 12 for growth. 
  2. Studies show that a 20-second hug raises oxytocin, the hormone that helps develop a sense of connection.
  3. According to relationship expert Harville Hendrix, it is not the person's most appealing qualities that seal the deal -- it's actually his or her negative traits that attract you the most. Hendrix claims these traits can trigger issues from our past, and we are subconsciously drawn to people who will provide us with the opportunity to heal our childhood wounds.
  4. In one study, women were given smelly shirts of men and told to pick the ones they found most attractive. The women chose shirts worn by men whose genes were most different from theirs, suggesting that we are actually hard-wired to diversity in the gene pool.
  5. To all the single ladies looking for a mate: Wear red next time you hit the town. According to the European Journal of Social Psychology, one experiment showed that men were more likely to ask women wearing red versus green more intimate questions. And, in another experiment, men chose to sit closer to women wearing red versus blue.
  6. Research shows that the feel-good chemical serotonin is unusually low in both love-struck subjects and people with OCD.  
  7. Love IS a drug. Or like it. MRI scans have shown that love lights up the same pleasure centers in the brain that are involved in drug addiction.
  8. According to Michael Roizen, MD, fertile women prefer symmetrically-shaped and rugged men with broad shoulders. The theory goes that both features are a sign of good health and an active immune system.
  9. One study found women with white sclera and large pupils to be more attractive. Both features are strongly correlated with youthfulness, which increased ratings of attractiveness.  
  10. Research shows that both sexes use a lower-pitched voice when speaking to someone they are attracted to.
  11. Flicks that get your heart pumping or your belly laughing do more for your love life than those that calm you down. That's because things that arouse your heart rate significantly enhance sexual response. Zip-lining is another adrenaline-pumping date that will do more for you between the sheets than a round of golf.  
  12. According to William Cane, author of "The Art of Kissing," women's favorite spot to be kissed, other than the mouth, is the neck. In fact, 96% of women reported they like neck kisses, while only 10% of men felt the same way, which means that it'd be hard for a guy to even believe a woman likes being kissed there.
  13. Women typically have stronger language skills than men, which is why some men tend to retreat during conversation. Experts say some men hear women's voices as something complicated and difficult to listen to, so they may choose not to listen.
  14. A man processes information best if you speak into his right ear. The information then travels to the left brain, which is the processing center of all that information you gave him.
  15. A genuine smile happens when the corners of the mouth turn up and the skin around the eyes crinkle. A non-genuine smile happens when the lips part and the corners of the mouth are stretched to the side.  
  16. As much as 90% of our communication is conveyed non-verbally.
  17. This is true. In some cases, emotional stress may damage your heart even if your coronary arteries remain normal. This is known as “stress cardiomyopathy” or “broken heart syndrome,” a condition in which the flood of stress-related hormones can temporarily stun or even disable your heart. In extreme cases, this can be fatal.
  18. The honeymoon phase -- that wild, falling-in-love feeling you get at the beginning of a relationship -- usually lasts about four years. The good news: The stability that follows can be just as satisfying.
  19. You may not associate celery with romance, but it's considered an aphrodisiac. Celery is high in androstenone, a hormone released in male sweat that turns many women on.  
  20. All of the above. Although every marriage is unique, the most successful couples work hard to keep the romance alive, make time for fun and communicate clearly and fairly.


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