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Showing posts with the label #OneDayInAClassroom

मैले के सिके? मैले के प्रेरणा पाए? #OneDayInAClassRoom

On 23rd November, 20163 guests viz. Mr. Sher Bdr. Tamang (MP), Mr. Karmath Dangol (VP of Engineering at Cloudfactory) and Mr. Sujin Joshi (Freelance software developer) along with alum Eva Manandhar and Shina Shrestha visited Terse Secondary School, Sindhupalchok participating in the #OneDayInAClassRoom under Teach for Nepal 's initiative. The 3 guests took 3 of the classes, sharing their stories, inspiring kids. Here, I have put some of the thoughts from kids after the classes. I along with my co-fellows Astha and Aakriti took a written feedback from the students. मैले के सिके ? मैले के प्रेरणा पाए ? Karmath Dangol (VP Engineering, Cloudfactory) “ आफुले कुनै काम गर्दा त्यसमा आफुलाई इच्छा हुनुपर्छ, इच्छा भएपछी, गर्ने कुराको मौका भएपछी त्यसको जानकारी हुनुपर्छ | जानकारी नभए खोजेर लिने | अरुबाट सिक्नुपर्छ र अरुलाई पनि सिकाउनुपर्छ | मैले पनि उंहाले जस्तै आफुलाई लागेको बिषय पढेर, विदेश गएर कमाएर फेरी आफ्नै देश फर्केर आफ्नै देशमा केहि गरेर देशको बिकाश गर्ने प्रेरण