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Meaning of moles on the face

via Meaning of moles on the face. The Chinese Almanac, also known as the Tung Shu, is commonly known as a book of auspicious and inauspicious dates, but there is so much more to the Tung Shu than that. It is a vast mine of information relating to astrology, codes and symbols, derived by the wise sages and philosophers of ancient China. We bring to you the secrets from the almanac regarding moles on your face and what they mean depending on which part of your face they appear.   First, check your face for any moles , and then look at the diagram above to identify the number(s) that are a closest match to the moles on your face. Usually, the moles only hold meaning for you if they are prominent and they are the only one. If your face if full of spots, acne or “little” moles, they do not count. When you’ve ascertained which position corresponds to the mole on your face, look up the meanings listed by numb...